Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So ya I hit the big 30 and Have to admit it wasn't as bad as I thought. I was so scared of turning thirty. I think I just thought okay, well now my life will be different I'm old for one, My skin will instantly turn to crap, my metabolism will be shot, and my child bearing years will be over. However now that I am here It's not to bad, my skin is still good a few wrinkles here and there, metabolism? get back to you on that one, and kids well I'm sure there will be more if it is up to me. I don't know why the kid one bugged me back when I was 21 I never wanted to even get married and have kids until I was beyond 30 because I wanted to just have a little bit of ME time. I guess the Lord changed my mind. I am grateful for the thirty years so far they have been very wonderful and eventful. I hope I have thirty more wonderful years in me. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make the day a great one especially Troy. He is the best hubby it was worth giving up the ME time to snag him.


Lori said...

Thirty? You don't look a day over twenty! And as far as anything on your body going to crap.....well I am living proof that it doesn't happen until you are well over 40. LOL

Roger and Stephnie said...

Happy Birthday! 30 isn't too bad-- I'm getting nervous for 31, yikes! Actually when I hit 30, I started falling apart.... broke my first bone, had to go to physical therapy for my knee and had to have the fun mammogram! It's been a fun year!

Sarah said...

Yea! Happy Birthday! You're sooo old! (I'll be 30 in a few months) What was me time like anyway? I can't remember anymore...