Friday, October 24, 2008

Harvest Time!


My sweet little Ava.

The darling Shayla.

What a Pair of beauty's.

So most of you know that my dad is a Crop Duster who can't seem to retire. He sprayed apples for some rancher out at west mountain and the guy told us to come and pick some. Well we took advantage as you can see. We felt like savages out there. It was so fun we just kept picking and didn't realize that we had so many. Poor rancher will never ask us back we definitely took advantage of the situation.


Well Here it is our little Harvest of Pumpkins. I thought that it would be a fun thing to grow this year little did I know how big a Pumpkin plant gets it took over the whole garden but the out come was worth it we got 6 pumpkins in all.

This is the only one Ava could carry.


Sarah said...

I can't believe you grew your own pumkins! Those are so beautiful! Way prettier than the ones I bought at the grocery store! And the apple picking looks like so much fun. Sometimes I wish I didn't live in the desert!

Tiesha said...

Those are good size pumpkins!