So In case you can't guess what we did. For Shayla's 3rd Birthday we were invited to go to Chuck E cheese with their Family. It was a lot of fun. Ava at first hated it and cried because of the life sized Chuck E Cheese Band. Poor girl it scared her to death. Aunt Jennifer comforted her and soon she was just fine. She loved playing on all of the toys. Most of all we loved this photo booth in case you can't tell. For one token (25cents) you can get your picture taken. I figured hey this is cheap photography. So went to town taking photos.

Amelia being held by Shinae!

Ignore me in the background I was trying to get a photo of Ava and Amelia and this was the only way I could get cooperation.

Great family photo for only a quarter.....kidding. It was a great day Thanks for inviting us.