Troy and I along with others have been busy getting ready for the Baby! Troy has had the past three weeks off so I took full advantage and put him to work. We have made several changes to our home some were a
necessity to prepare for the baby but others were just things we have wanted to do for some time. Our most important project was the one above. We needed a new room for Ava because her little sis will take over her room. We decided to move Ava into the only other room that was upstairs however it has been occupied as our office/junk room. So we turned our living room into an office. These
cabinets are located in the living room and as soon as they are painted will house my junk as Troy calls it but in an organized fashion. We Hope! They were built by David and Justin Blair and they are wonderful! Justin is Troy's Brother in Law.

Notice the frames....I made those I can be crafty when I choose to be!

This is the old office now transformed into Ava's room. I had so much fun shopping and putting this room together. Ava loves it because of all the birds.