Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We started Amelia on Solids the night of her 4 month appointment as soon as I got the Okay from the Doc. She is not the best night sleeper so he told me to give it a go and see if it helps her. This is her enjoying some rice cereal and sweet potatoes.

She also loves to pretend that she can drink from a sippie but once she gets it she just chews on the lid.

I love that face. She is such a good eater. However she is still an awful sleeper.


Here it is my little sweet Ava's 3rd Birthday. It's taken me so long to write about it because i am in so much shock. I can't believe I have a three year old. Ava loves the Backyardigans Cartoon So this is my attempt at making a Uniqua Cake which is her favorite character.

Ava getting mad because Amelia being the big eater that she is grabbed the cake before we could get a picture.

However No fear Big sis helped her clean up.

Ava got so many fun gifts. Thanks to everyone for coming. It was so much fun to celebrate.


A few weeks ago Ava's dancing class celebrated Crazy Hair and Sock Day! This is the best we could come up with.

Isn't that the face of an Angel.

Waiting in the front room for her car pool to pick her up. Ava loves dancing class. It is so cute to watch her dance. I just hope she listens to her teachers better than she listens to me.